Steve Kozak Named Executive Director of TPPA


When Steve Kozak joined Texas PPA some thirty years ago, one of the first people he met was Walt Hawkins, the Executive Director of the association at the time. Steve noticed how Walt was such a nice guy and a personable point of contact for the association that he thought to himself, “I’d like to have that job someday.”

Some years later, Doug Box became the new Executive Director and again, Steve thought to himself, “Doug was a perfect choice for that job!” Still, Steve couldn’t help but think that he would be interested in applying someday when Doug decided it was time to move on.

Well, that time has come where Doug has chosen to retire and Steve Kozak was hired by the TPPA Executive Council for the job that he imagined over 30 years ago. Steve says, “I have to tell you, I have some big shoes to fill following Doug Box, but I could not be more excited that I am to be the Executive Director of TPPA.”

You will often find Steve’s “better half,” Jacqueline Wehr, working the registration desk at TPPA events, hosting in the hospitality suite or simply visiting with members who have questions or need direction. Steve admits that taking the job was a much easier decision thanks to Jacqueline. “Jacqueline’s love and support makes everything in my life, my home, and my job so much better. She is a people person and loves the Association and the members as much as I do,” says Steve.

Steve is quite familiar with all facets of TPPA and served through all of the chairs on the Executive Council. As President of TPPA in 2016, he spent much of his presidential year getting “on the job” training with Doug Box which included many trips between Grand Prairie and Caldwell and countless hours of phone calls between the two men.

“I have to tell you, Doug’s graciousness to endorse me to the Executive Council as his replacement and his willingness to teach me how to do this job has been a blessing,” says Steve. “TPPA is a stronger association, thanks to Doug. I will do my best to continue making TPPA the best association in the country!”