Adobe Creative Cloud: A Closer Look at the Value of Plans for You


by Guy T. Phillips

The Adobe Photography Plan has made the news a lot in recent months.  Not only has Lightroom and its variations been renamed (twice), but social media blew up with misleading rumors over the price points for subscriptions for weeks.  Let’s take a closer look at what is included in today’s plans and what they offer for your business.

The plans are structured for multiple applications.  Are you an amateur?  Are you new to the industry?  Are you a long-time pro?  Do you prefer a “desktop” program with its advantages?  Do you need social media, sharing or web connectivity easy?  ALL of these needs can have a solution in Adobe’s Photography Plan!

The most popular plan is also the least expensive.  For just $9.99 / month, you get
•    Lightroom*
•    Lightroom Classic*
•    Photoshop
•    Portfolio
•    Spark

If you are reading this article, you are most likely familiar with the difference in ‘Lightroom’ versus ‘Lightroom Classic’, so we won’t go into too many details on those differences, but it is important to recognize that you get BOTH with the same subscription, and that you also get the Adobe Lightroom mobile app!

With Lightroom’s quick-and-easy synching to the cloud, the $9.99 plan gives you 20GB of online storage with Adobe. If you need additional storage, consider the upgrade options, which have also been adjusted recently, with two 1TB choices.  You can choose to keep all of the same applications and just add more storage, or choose to have only Lightroom (not Lightroom Classic or Photoshop).

You can also upgrade the standard 20GB plan to 1TB, 2TB, 5TB or 10TB, starting at US$9.99/month per terabyte, when you call 800-915-9451.

Regardless of whether you choose a plan with Lightroom and Lightroom Classic or just Lightroom, your plan will still include the mobile version, for iOS or Android, allowing you to “easily edit, organize, store, and share your photos from anywhere”!

Another great inclusion is Portfolio.  Adobe’s Portfolio websites includes hosting & unlimited pages, whether you want to showcase a full portfolio, or create a simple splash page. Sites can easily be optimized for any mobile device, can use your unique domain name, use the massive Adobe font library, and be secured with password protection.  Find out more at

Finally, your choice of subscription can include Adobe’s Spark.  If you are chasing the social media beast and need a easier way to “transform your ideas into stunning visual stories”, Spark can be a great addition.  Spark makes social graphics, web pages, and short videos in minutes a breeze.  You can create and share, anytime, anywhere!

Find out more about your options at
*Note that, with May’s 2019 updates, the “CC” portion of the name (Lightroom CC or Lightroom Classic CC) has been dropped.

Guy T. Phillips is an instructor for the Texas School of Professional Photography, Photographic Craftsman, and TPPA Associate Fellow.
He was recently appointed to serve as the 2020 Councilor-At-Large
for Texas PPA.