2017 TPPA President: Trey Homan


homantitlehoman1Trey Homan is not the first photographer who began his career “carrying bags” for another very successful and well-known photographer. But, in his case, the other photographer happened to be his wife! “Elizabeth was already a successful and nationally-known artist, so I simply carried her suitcases and camera bags,” he relates. But it was Trey’s willingness to do the “not so glamorous stuff” that allowed Elizabeth to concentrate on her imagery.

As time progressed and the couple began a family of their own, Trey became more and more involved in professional photography. He began attending guild meetings of the Professional Photographers of San Antonio and, much to his surprise, discovered that he fit in well with the other members who welcomed him with open arms. “Being a part of this group was an uplifting experience and I soon started going to state, regional, and national conventions,” says Trey.

Within a few years, Trey Homan was approached by TPPA Past President, Ed Alexander, who asked him if he would consider serving as an officer for the Professional Photographers of San Antonio. The “luggage man” had officially been promoted to PPSA Secretary and was on his way to bigger and better things. “I was elected as Secretary in 2008 and found this experience absolutely amazing. I made lifelong friends like Michael Chandler, Johnathan Godsey, and, of course, Ed Alexander. Michael Chandler became an amazing mentor to me and taught me that it is perfectly acceptable to ask for help and for different opinions.”

homan2Then, in 2009, fate intervened once again. The Texas Professional Photographers Association changed its fiscal year and that year’s current officers and councilors-at-large had to stay on a few extra months. The problem was that one of the current councilors-at-large, who are appointed to a one-year term by the serving TPPA President, could not fulfill his term and Trey Homan was asked if he would consider filling that vacancy and then continuing with his own one-year term. “This was where I fell in love with TPPA,” he explains.

“I learned about the passion, dedication, and vision that the officers and staff of TPPA had, not just for our industry, but for the membership in general. They truly care about people, not just the images they create. They care about what is going on in their careers and their lives. Together, they celebrate your successes and they mourn your losses. I truly felt like I was a part of an amazing family of gifted individuals who truly care about one another.”

For several years now, Trey has been at the forefront of every aspect of this great association, especially the Texas School of Professional Photography where he teaches alongside his lovely and talented wife, Elizabeth. “This is one of the greatest benefits of belonging to TPPA,” Trey explains. “You can spend a week with an instructor of your choice. That is simply amazing! I was already having a great time taking classes before Don Dickson asked Elizabeth and me to be instructors. It is an enormous amount of work but we do this because both of us believe that education is the foundation of our success. We are successful because people have taken time to share and mentor us. Now it is our time to pay it forward.”

It is with that humble dedication and with great enthusiasm for the future of TPPA and our profession that Trey Homan takes the reins as the 2017 President of the Texas Professional Photographers Association. Great things are happening now and more is to come, we can assure you.