On The Cover: Pretty Boy


“Pretty Boy” was created by Cliff Ranson of McAllen,
Texas, as a promo for the “Dog Days of Summer” event to benefit their
local animal shelter. “We’ve done this since 2004 and our association
with the shelter has put our studio on radio and tv as a community token
of goodwill,” he explains. Each year the shelter brings their mobile
unit to the studio parking lot for the photography session and many of
the pets have gone to new owners. Cliff adds, “We’ve taken in many
homeless animals over the years but Teddy (Pretty Boy) is our Australian
Shepherd and he came to us on the plane from Missouri in 2015. He is
intelligent and easy to photograph.” The image was taken with a Canon 5D
MkIII using a 4×6 softbox, separation light with grid, and a white
reflector. Cliff Ranson is a Past President of Texas PPA.