Spotlight Pics: “The Farmer’s Daughter”


“The Farmer’s Daughter” was created by Dominique Harmon,  M Photog Cr., CPP, ASP, of Lubbock, Texas. “It was an idea I had been wanting to do for quite some time because I’d been wanting to do something fun with a parachute,” says Dominique. “With the West Texas winds always blowing at my studio, I was a bit nervous putting her on top of that hay. But we picked a calm day and a beautiful West Texas sunset. I had my assistant underneath the parachute with a leaf blower and my husband is on top of his pickup truck on the right side of the hay holding the Profoto light (way up high). Learning what I had in Sandra Pearce’s class at Texas School, it was my first major attempt at painting in Photoshop. Not realizing at the time that I would have to paint every strand of that hay, it was a great learning lesson! I received some good critiques from judges at TPPA Summerfest and will rework it for district next year.”