“Eden’s First Light” was created by Doug Bennett of Colorado Springs, CO. Metlako Falls is located in the Columbia River Gorge east of Portland, OR. “The spot from which this shot was taken no longer exists as the cliff edge from where I took this shot fell into the gorge in January of 2017. Unfortunately, there is no longer a safe spot open to the public from which to view this falls,” says Doug. This shot was taken with a Nikon D3x using Unitary White Balance and “Exposing to the Right” techniques. The image was processed using Nikon Capture NX2 and Nik Color Efex Pro filters. “Instrumental in the final look of this image were the video critiques I received from my first two times entering this image in IPC where it did not merit,” he explains. “Finally, following the suggestions of the critiques, the image merited and went Loan in 2013.” Doug Bennett will be presenting a program on landscape photography at TPPA Summerfest 2018.

“Eden’s First Light” was created by Doug Bennett of Colorado Springs, CO. Metlako Falls is located in the Columbia River Gorge east of Portland, OR. “The spot from which this shot was taken no longer exists as the cliff edge from where I took this shot fell into the gorge in January of 2017. Unfortunately, there is no longer a safe spot open to the public from which to view this falls,” says Doug. This shot was taken with a Nikon D3x using Unitary White Balance and “Exposing to the Right” techniques. The image was processed using Nikon Capture NX2 and Nik Color Efex Pro filters. “Instrumental in the final look of this image were the video critiques I received from my first two times entering this image in IPC where it did not merit,” he explains. “Finally, following the suggestions of the critiques, the image merited and went Loan in 2013.” Doug Bennett will be presenting a program on landscape photography at TPPA Summerfest 2018.