Spotlight Pic: “Their Journey Together Must End”


“Their Journey Together Must End” was created by Tammy Novak of Dallas, Texas. This image is a composite of five of her images all shot on location in North Texas and then digitally painted in Photoshop. Tammy wanted to create something using the techniques learned from Sandra Pearce’s one-day workshop hosted by Dallas PPA. She decided to do something for her friend whose oldest daughter, Grayson, was graduating high school. Grayson and her horse, Oakey, had been a successful competitive equestrian team for years but they would not have time to train while she was in college. “I decided to place them at the water’s edge, no where else to ride, as the sun is rising behind her signifying a new day. She looks west across the lake at Ft.Worth where she will be attending TCU. It is fall and she is prepared to leave. Oakey is grazing, relaxed and prepared for retirement. The ducks flying overhead also indicate it’s fall and time for migration, moving on or a passage of time. This was my first time to enter TPPA’s Summerfest print competition and I received great feedback, critiques and wonderful support of my artistic work.” The image won a Distinguished Print Ribbon at Summerfest 2016.